Back To Our Curriculum
In our school’s Mission Statement, our 3 aims are to:
- Have a sense of responsibility and take an active part in serving our world;
- Have a growing understanding of Gospel Values and gather together in prayer and worship;
- Have a passion for learning and an enjoyment for discovery.
“Hand in Hand, in the image of Jesus, we grow together and celebrate who we are.”
English lessons at St Aidan’s develops pupils’ abilities within an integrated programme of Speaking & Listening, Reading & Writing. Pupils are given opportunities to develop their use, knowledge and understanding of spoken and written English within a broad and balanced curriculum, with opportunities to consolidate and reinforce taught literacy skills. They learn how English both reflects and shapes our history, and contributes to the culture, creativity and wealth of our nation.
At St Aidan’s we strive to ensure that students leave our school:
- Expressing their ideas effectively through speech and listening with understanding;
- Using their developing imagination, inventiveness and critical awareness;
- As enthusiastic, responsive and independent readers, with a love of reading and a desire to read for enjoyment;
- Reading and using a wide variety of non-¬-fiction materials to develop the skills required for critical analysis of newspapers, magazines and the internet etc.;
- Having participated in a range of drama activities including role play and improvisation as well as scripted drama;
- With the ability to listen carefully and to respond to various stimuli, expressing themselves confidently and clearly;
- With the necessary skills to write for a variety of purposes, understanding a range of text types and genres using the written word to develop, organise and communicate ideas;
- With the necessary skills to speak, write and read Standard English;
- With an interest in words and their meanings, developing a growing vocabulary in spoken and written forms;
- Having a suitable technical vocabulary to articulate their responses;
- Develop legible handwriting both joined up and printed styles and use when appropriate.
- Autonomous and equipped for lifelong learning with a sound grasp of Metacognition, thus taking responsibility for their own future progress.
On this page, you will find links to all policies and curriculum documents. To find out how St Aidan’s promotes reading for pleasure and how we celebrate reading,
In this section you will find the English Policy and a specific document describing St Aidan’s approach to Reading.
Termly Overviews
In this section, you will find termly overviews for English across the school.
Phonics & Early Reading
In this section, you will find all documents related to the teaching of reading at St Aidan’s.
In this section, you will find all documents related to the teaching of writing at St Aidan’s.
Speaking & Listening
In this section, you can see how speaking and listening progresses at St Aidan’s.