01942 223544
On behalf of the whole community of St. Aidan’s Catholic Primary School I would like to welcome you to our school. We hope that this is the beginning of a very long and happy association with our school. The very best schools are the ones in which the whole school community work together and at St. Aidan’s we are proud of our strong links and good relationships.
I am very proud to be Headteacher of St. Aidan’s and firmly believe that it is everything a primary school should be; inclusive, fun, exciting, caring and forward thinking! We don’t know what jobs our children will do in the future, in fact they might not even exist yet, but at St. Aidan’s we strive to challenge and equip our pupils with the skills needed, not only to make them successful, but to go beyond that and exceed expectations, the sky’s the limit!
Find out all the latest information in our school newsletters. We update these regularly
If you need to know when all our term dates begin and end, this page has all of the information you require
Home Learning has become very important in the current climate. This page has all of our important info
Our classes are carefully crafted to meet the development needs of the each and every child. Our educators and support staff are highly professional and trained.
If children are going to be absent from school, please contact the office before 9am. There is an answerphone if you wish to ring before the office opens at 8.45am.